

Genesis 1:28 KJV
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
From the time man was created the Lord blessed us to move forward on the earth with freedom, responsibility, and authority. We were given everything on this planet as caretakers of the gift of life on earth. Seeing where we are presently makes it abundantly clear that we have neglected to preserve our environment and have abused our freedoms. Each of us are put here with purpose and design to use our God given talents and abilities to further the cause God intended. Freedom to choose has created a society who feel entitled and consumed by pleasures to feed their flesh. Yet God will not reverse what He said in the beginning at the time of creation. He will let each man decide and determine his fate.
If we could grasp how valuable and necessary we are to God’s plan we would stop our self destructive habits singly and jointly. We need fresh eyes to see the world through our Father’s eyes.Are our lives reflecting the love and care of our sphere of influence? Is our present place better for our being in it? If the Lord took you home today, would there be proof left behind that you used your freedom to walk in your God given authority by being responsible for what He entrusted to you? The answer to that question is what will determine whether we have been successful in our calling.
When I graduated from high school and looked ahead to my future I purposed to have been a blessing to one other person in my life. Then it advanced to being a blessing to as many people as I could be. I am still pursuing this quest at the present time and years later. I urge each of us to seek God as to why you are here and find your purpose and destiny. When it’s all said and done, it will be the only satisfying thing that will last once our days on earth are finished. Is the world a better place because you were born? May the answer for each of us be yes. Hearing well done thy good and faithful servant will make the cost of our call worth it in the end…In Jesus Name





 Genesis 18:14

Is anything too hard for the Lord ? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”
When I think about how great Our Lord is I think of this particular verse. God can do anything -HE is GOD!! The Lord turned back time for one …He gave another longer life …He split the Red Sea! He moved on Sara and in old age she gave birth. The Lord moved on Mary,having known no man,and she conceived. The Lord moved on Lazarus through Jesus and he came back to life. Jesus was resurrected and then went to heaven. Jesus conversed with Moses and Enoch. I could go on and on! I get so excited when I read this because I know our God can do anything!
We serve a God who defies every man made principle and weaves beauty out of our ashes by working it out for our good. There is nothing hidden to God and He defines and personifies love. Indeed, HE IS LOVE! That is who our God is and that is who you can place your trust in. For He is worthy and nothing or no one is outside His sphere! If you take this verse today and wrap it around our minds and spirit you should be jumping for joy. The Lord our God is on the scene and on the throne …every day, watching every detail of your life to assure that you are on your way to your expected end. If you need to boost your faith with a reminder of God’s goodness – memorize this passage. I dare you to not be lifted up out of every trial or hardship you are in, after letting this verse saturate your faith. Know someone who has been down and discouraged? Share this with them. Let the wondrous truth of God move every obstacle or hindrance away while we focus on knowing …NOTHING is too hard for the Lord!!

In Jesus Name …